Create Your Purpose® Podcast
Dont wait to "find" your purpose. Create it! Tune in bi-monthly for inspiring stories, conversations, and insights that will inspire you to intentionally create more purpose in your business... AND throughout your entire life, too.
Create Your Purpose® Podcast
Dont wait to "find" your purpose. Create it! Tune in bi-weekly for inspiring stories, conversations, and insights that will inspire you to intentionally create more purpose in your business... AND throughout your entire life, too.
New episodes every other Thursday!
latest episode
Planning for a Purposeful 2023 (+ My 3 Rituals!)
After years of struggling to take action on my big ideas, I knew I needed to create a system for myself to make progress. I began to integrate "checkpoints" in my business to pause, reflect, and plan. These checkpoints turned into 3 business planning rituals I now swear by.
Planning for a Purposeful 2023 (+ My 3 Rituals!)
After years of struggling to take action on my big ideas, I knew I needed to create a system for myself to make progress. I began to integrate "checkpoints" in my business to pause, reflect, and plan. These checkpoints turned into 3 business planning rituals I now swear by.
what listeners say...

Past Episodes
The Audacity of Purpose with Kira Lamb
In this episode, I speak with Kira Lamb, Classical Pilates Teacher and former professional dancer. Kira's revelation unfolded into a fabulous exploration of the theft of purpose and the audacity of pursuing it on your own terms.
4 Tips for your First Solo Business Retreat
What if you could find time to work ON your business instead of always feeling like you're barely surviving? In this solo episode, I share my experience with solo biz retreats and the big shifts that have come from them.
Ads aren’t so Scary (or Slimy) with Luan Jardine
What if you saw ads for your business as a powerful method to help you create your purpose instead of something slimy? I chat with Luan Jardine, my personal ads strategist, about her recent shift in her business and how you can get started with ads.
Slay your Schedule with Liz Landeen
After the PeaceCorps, Elisabetta founded Kurandza, a non-profit that gives girls in Mozambique access to education. I chatted with her to uncover or origin story, how she runs a non-profit in Africa from California, and what #IStandforGirls means.
A Beautiful Plant Metaphor for Entrepreneurs
[Solo Episode] In the middle of a brutal Arizona summer, I discovered the most beautiful metaphor for entrepreneurship. If you're feeling stuck in your business right now, listen to learn get permission to be exactly where you are.
Elisabetta Stands for Girls
After the PeaceCorps, Elisabetta founded Kurandza, a non-profit that gives girls in Mozambique access to education. I chatted with her to uncover or origin story, how she runs a non-profit in Africa from California, and what #IStandforGirls means.
Connecting the Dots as a Multi-passionate Entrepreneur
Are you a multi-passionate entrepreneur? So is Laura Neff! Hear how she's connected the dots between her multiple passions + businesses and used her purpose as her guide to filter opportunities and make decisions with moreease.
The Mason Jar Burnout Philosophy
I’ll never forget the lesson my 8th grade teacher taught me with a few simple items: a mason jar, two sizes of potatoes, and rice. Learn how the Mason Jar Burnout Philosophy can apply it to your business (and your entire life).
Practical (Business) Magic with Marisa Mohi
Do you believe in magic? Marisa Mohi does! Listen to find out how she navigated quitting her job right before the pandemic, how she creates systems to protect her creativity, & why we agree that bringing ideas to life is like real-life magic!