Elisabetta Stands for Girls

After the PeaceCorps, Elisabetta founded Kurandza, a non-profit that gives girls in Mozambique access to education. I chatted with her to uncover or origin story, how she runs a non-profit in Africa from California, and what #IStandforGirls means.
elisabetta colabianchi

Published on  September 2, 2021

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Elisabetta Colabianchi has spent the past decade working toward a more equitable society for girls and women everywhere. Before founding her non-profit organization, Kurandza, she worked for other non-profits and NGOs from New York City to Mozambique and studied abroad in Geneva with the United Nations.

She is passionate about empowering women through education, especially in underserved communities. As founder and executive director of Kurandza, Elisabetta helps ensure greater access to schooling for girls in Mozambique by developing impactful programs, overseeing operations, and leading communications with donors and supporters.

Episode Highlights

  • Why her time in the PeaceCorp inspired her to begin a non-profit
  • How Kurandza evolved from a sewing collective to an education non-profit
  • The intentional tradeoffs she personally had to make to go full-time with Kurandza
  • How she’s able to run a non-profit in Africa from her home in California… during a pandemic
  • What’s next for Kurandza and #IStandforGirls

The 2021 #IStandForGirls campaign launched on September 1st! Learn more here: www.kurandza.org/istandforgirls
