A Permission Slip to Confidence with Jess Ekstrom

Whether it's through founding a tech platform for women to journal via thoughtful prompts or leading a community of "Speaker Sisters" to empower more women to get paid to speak, Jess Ekstrom is a master at building businesses with purpose.
Episode #17 Blog Image

Published on  December 23, 2021

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Funny story… Jess Ekstrom and I were set-up by a “matchmaker.”

Within one hour of us meeting for coffee, Jess had invited me to a business retreat in Sedona two days later… and I took her up on it! Since then, I’ve seen her make big shifts in her business to hone in what she feels most passionate about:

⭐️ Helping women share and tell their story. ⭐️

Feeling anxious about what 2022 may bring and need a jolt of confidence in the direction you’re heading? Episode 17 of the Create Your Purpose Podcast is for you!

In this light and inspiring conversation, you’ll hear:

  • How Jess allowed her purpose to evolve in her multiple businesses and the common thread that connects them all.
  • Details on our entrepreneurial “meet-cute” and how it’s reflective of how Jess runs her own business: with integrity, joy, and a dash of spontaneity!
  • The amazing analogy Jess uses to describe success in business and why & how her understanding of it has changed recently.

CYP Podcast listeners: get a free month of Jess’ BrightPages journaling program using the code PURPOSE!

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