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3 lessons and 13 prompts to help you radically shift your relationship with Instagram® so you show up confidently and consistently, and implement a marketing strategy that makes you *feel good.*

  Let me guess why you're here...  

You are in an intense love-hate relationship with Instagram®.

On one hand...

Insta is an essential tool for you. You know you *need* it in order to find your audience and grow your business, so you try your best to stay visible and create engaging content.

But, in reality...

The Gram makes you feel vulnerable, overwhelmed, and anxious. You get stuck in comparison and self-judgment, and - despite your best intentions - you keep ghosting your audience.



Wouldn't it feel like *magic* if you could regain control of your time and energy, show up with confidence, AND have a purposeful Instagram® marketing plan that you're actually excited to implement?

Download This workbook to begin to shift your mindset, your strategy, and your entire relationship with Instagram®

A sneak peek of the lessons & prompts inside:

Learn to document a strategy that brings your message to life.


Better harness your time + energy so you can show up consistently.


Re-energize your content by tapping into your deeper "why."

Hi, I'm Quinn Tempest, the creator of this workbook.

I help entrepreneurs tap into their purpose and teach them how to bring it to life, online and off. I'm also a bike-riding urbanista with a love for color, creativity, entrepreneurship, and living on purpose.

There are plenty of teachers and courses that will teach your Instagram® marketing tactics. But, they overlook a very important reality: Instagram® is HARD. It can be emotionally draining to "put yourself out there" and to feel at the mercy of an ever-changing algorithm. Sometimes - you just feel like giving up.

That's why I created this workbook - to help you take back control. To begin to radically transform your relationship with Instagram so it feels less like a big fat energy drain and more of an amazing tool you can take advantage of to spread your message, find your tribe, and create your purpose. It is possible!

In this workbook, I'll guide you through a few simple lessons and reflection prompts that will shine a light on the ways you're holding yourself back and give you actionable insights on how to move forward with a bit more grit and a dash of magic.

quinn tempest instagram